Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how and when we collect, use, and distribute data when you purchase an item from us or contact us.

We collect and create a range of data points about you and all the personal information provided by you to us. The information we collect is secured in our protected database and is not freely accessible in the public domain.

• Providing an absolute Privacy to you is our liability, and protection of your information is a prominent commitment for us.

• We have generated this privacy policy to describe how we keep and maintain the information of our users protected. All the data that you share with this website is secure, and we keep all the particulars private. Our Privacy Policy implies to all the services the Shraddha Shree Gems website provides.

• If you have any questions or queries regarding our services, then you can contact us and get immediate solutions. For all the queries, you get support right away that is not mentioned in this Privacy Policy.

I. Personal Information

When you provide us with your personal information by visiting our website and creating an account, we will bring together all critical Personal Information to submit and execute the Services you ask for. We offer you with services according to the information you choose. To use our services; you have to offer us with your email address, personal identification details, postal address name, and phone number to set up an account.

II. Use of your Personal Data

The information you share with us is secure and safe. The protection of the data is our top-most concern, and we don’t share your critical information with anyone. We only share information of your Personal Data of the user with 3rd service providers so that the services you have opted for will be carried out immediately.

III. Utilization of the data

The information you share with us is only used by the Shraddha Shree Gems family so that we can offer you the best services. The personal information that you provide us is used to bring about the requests.

IV. Preserve your Personal Data

We maintain and preserve your Personal Information to achieve our authorized or rigid responsibilities for our business reasons. While utilizing the services, if your account gets blocked or deleted, then we will take certain chief steps to keep your Personal Information and other crucial information.

V. Cookie Policy

The technology is changing at a quick pace, and to keep up the position in the marketplace; it is important to make our services user-friendly. For this purpose, we may alter this Privacy Policy according to our services, business model, the websites, or other appropriate laws.

VI. Lifetime Guarantee

There is a 100% guarantee that our gemstones are natural. We also claim that you can get our gemstones tested from any lab and if it is not natural, then you will get a full refund.


The privacy policy created also assists you to understand our privacy choices and learn more about your data safety. Keep this in mind that we modify our privacy policies, and thus our affordable Payment Solutions offerings may vary by region to region. There are various points that we have mentioned in our privacy terms that help you to be aware of the development of our services.

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