Emerald gemstone is as beautiful and effective as it is expensive. But anyone can use it without spending too much money, by using the substitute of emerald gemstone. Peridot, Green Onyx and Green Tourmaline are the substitutes of emerald gemstone. These three stones can be replaced with emerald to avail its benefits. Some of the major benefits of wearing an emerald is that it brings growth in business and career, improves the oratory skills and attracts money and wisdom. All the substitutes of emerald gemstone are ruled by the planet mercury.
Substitute of Emeralds:

Peridot is an effective substitute of emerald gemstone. It’s a transparent green colored gemstone with a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. There are many facts behind the emerald gemstone. Peridot stone is from an ancient time and mostly by the Egyptians, they considered it a “gem of sun”. The stone peridot is known as “evening emerald” as it shines brighter even in the artificial stone. It has all the same benefits as emerald gemstone like it improves growth in professional life, cures health disease and other also. According to Indian and western astrology, peridot is also a birthstone of the month august.
Qualities of peridot: Qualities of a peridot depend on many factors like how many quantities of iron it contains. The more iron it contains the darker it will be. The light it is in colour, the less quality of iron it contains. Darker peridots are not considered to be good quality. It originated from the U.S.A, Burma, Russia, Australia, and Brazil. Among all these countries the U.S.A, Burma and Pakistan give darker peridots which are not. Russian and Brazilian are of good quality.
Green Onyx:

Green onyx is a green variety stone belonging to the onyx or agate family. It is also worn as a substitute of emerald and placed in homes for its effective benefits. It contains all the similar benefits of emerald but it also has its own healing properties for which is it mostly used for that this stone removes negativity, cures many health diseases, and improves health diseases. It can be a good substitute for emerald gemstone.
Qualities of Green onyx: In green onyx, there are not so many varieties. It should be natural only if it is worn for the it’s healing benefits of as a substitute of emerald gemstone. All the shades of green onyx stone can be used, light green to dark green. It should be only inclusion free and less inclusive. Stones with high inclusions are not good in quality and also useless. A minor inclusion doesn’t affect its benefits and can be used.
Green Tourmaline:

Green tourmaline is also a good substitute for emerald gemstone, it also has green colour. Due to its luster and high transparency it is mostly used in jewellery. It can be worn as a substitute of emerald and avail all the benefits of emerald gemstone. After wearing this gem, a person sees some changes in his life, such as the growth in his career or business, good health of the body, improvement in oratory skills and many more. These same benefits can be seen after wearing this substitute of emerald gemstone.
Quality of green tourmaline: Quality of a gemstone can be known by its origin, transparency, and inclusions. If a gemstone is used for the astrology purpose then firstly it should be natural and untreated, any treatment should not be done with it. Mines of green tourmaline are sourced from Brazil, Tanzania, Kenya, Namibia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and many more. But the best qualities of green tourmaline are only mined from Brazil, Tanzania, and Sri Lanka. Their mines are high in luster and high in transparency.