Rudraksha beads are dried stones grown from the tree named Elaeocarpus ganitrus. In Hinduism, It is considered a very auspicious bead associated with the Deity Shiva. It is majorly worn for protection against negative energies. It has many benefits and every face of it has different benefits. Overall, it is very beneficial for everyone to wear beads to achieve their dreams, get protected, and be dearest to Lord Shiva.
How Rudraksha are Originated:
The word rudraksha originated from Rudra and Aksha, in which “Rudra” means “Shiva” and “Aksha” means tears. Rudraksha means tears of Shiva. But there are three different stories about the tears of Shiva and how this bead originated.
1st Story- After Sati Mata burned herself alive to protest the insult her father, Prajapati Daksha, had given Bhagwan Shiva, Shiva became upset and wandered the world weeping with Sati’s body, upsetting everything in its wake. Elaeocarpus ganitrus Trees appeared wherever these tears fell.
2nd Story- A long-standing myth states that Bhagwan Shiva saw human misery when he opened his eyes following countless years of meditation. He began to cry compassionate tears. Elaeocarpus ganitrus trees emerged from the tears that dropped to the earth.
3rd Story- Per the ancient Shiva Purana scripture, Tripurasur, an Asura, ascended to power and caused suffering to humanity and Devas with his oppressive rule. The Devas all looked to Bhagwan Shiva for assistance. Shiva used the power of the heavenly sword “Aghor” in retaliation. Too much to bear considering the possible devastation this weapon could bring about trees sprouted from the tears that streamed from his eyes and dropped to the ground. Other legends state that after intense meditation, Bhagwan Shiva opened his eyes, and tears of pleasure poured everywhere they landed, sprouting Elaeocarpus ganitrus trees.
Rudraksha Importance/ Significance in Purans:
In Shiva Puran: Shiva Puran is the 4th puran among 18 purans, also it is the most readable puran. Rudraksha is mentioned in Shiva Mahapuran, Vidyeshwar Samhita Chapter 25 Parts 61 to 90. Lord Shiva explained how it is important and the benefits of wearing it; he also told the objective of each face.
पंचदेवप्रियश्चैव सर्वदेवप्रियस्तथा |
सर्वमन्त्रंजपेद्भक्तो रुद्राक्षमालया प्रिये || 61 ||
In this shloka, Lord Shiva told parvati, “My Love, any god can be worship with the bead of rudraksha, which is associated to the five gods that is Ganesha, Surya, Devi, Vishu and Shiva as well as other gods.
विष्णवादिदेवभक्तश्च धारयेयुर्न संशयः |
रुद्रभक्तो विशेषेण रुद्राक्षधारयेत्सदा || 62 ||
Devotees of Shiva, Vishnu, or other Lords can wear rudraksha without any doubt. But Especially, devotees of Shiva must wear it regularly.
रुद्राक्ष विविधाः प्रोतस्तेषां भेदनवदम्यहम् |
श्रीनु पार्वती सद्भक्त्या भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदान || 63 ||
In this shloka, Shiva is saying that there are many different ypes of rudraksha provides salvation. Listen carefully, I will tell the secret of them.
एकवक्त्रः शिवः साक्षाद्भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदः |
तस्य दर्शनमात्रेण ब्रह्महत्यां व्यापोहति || 64 ||
One face rudraksha is blessed by Shiva himself, which gives the result of salvation and liberation. It gives relief from the brahmahatya.
यत्र सम्पूजितस्तत्र लक्ष्मीदुरतारा नाहि |
नाश्यन्त्युपद्रवः सर्वे सर्वकाम भवन्ति हि || 65 ||
When a person worship rudraksha bead, goddess laxmi blesses him and fulfil all the wishes.
द्विवक्त्रो देवदेवेशः सर्वकामफलाप्रदः |
विशेषतः स रुद्राक्षो गोवधं नाशयेद्द्रुताम् || 66 ||
2 mukhi rudraksha fulfils the desires. This bead is the symbol of devdeveshwar. It cut of the sins of killing a cow.
त्रिवक्त्रो यो हि रुद्राक्षः साक्षात्साधनदः सदा |
तत्प्रभावद्भवेयुर्वै विद्याः सर्वः प्रतिष्ठितः || 67 ||
3 mukhi rudraksha provides the result of meditation. All the education is dignified by its effect.
चार्तुर्वक्त्रः स्वयं ब्रह्म नराहत्यं व्यापोहति |
दर्शनात्स्पर्शनात्साद्यश्चतुर्वर्गफलाप्रदः || 68 ||
4 mukhi rudraksha is associated with Lord Brahma. It exempt the sin of killing a human. Its glimpse provides the result of religion, wealth, sex and moskha
पंचवक्त्रः स्वयं रुद्रः काल-अग्निर् नमः प्रभु |
सर्वमुक्तिप्रदश्चैव सर्वकामाफलाप्रदः || 69 ||
5 Mukhi rudraksha symbolize Lors Kala-agni, and this it made free from from all and fulfil all the desires.
अगम्यागमनं पापमभक्ष्यस्य च भक्षणम् |
इत्यादिसर्वपापाणि पंचवक्त्रो व्यपोहति || 70 ||
All the sins done by eating bad things or inedible foods and adultering are rinsed by the bead with 5 faces.
षड्वक्त्रः कार्तिकेयस्तु धारणादक्षिणे भुज |
ब्रह्महत्यादिकैः पापैर्मुच्यते नात्र संशयः || 71 ||
6 Mukhi Rudraksha is the form of Lord Kartikeya, and it is worn in right hand. It also rinse off the sin of Brahma-Hatya
सप्तवक्त्रो महेशानि ह्यनांगो नाम नमतः |
धारणात्स्य देवेषि दारिद्रोपीश्वरो भवेत् || 72 ||
In this shloka, Shiva is saying hey Parvati, 7 mukhi rudraksha is the form of Ananga, and wearing it makes the person god out of a pauper.
रुद्राक्षश्चस्तवक्त्रश्च वसुमूर्तिश्च भैरव |
धारणात्तस्य पूर्णयुर्मरितो भवति शुलभृत || 73 ||
Asthamurthi Bhairav takes the form of the 8 mukhi Rudraksha. Reaching the form of Trishuldhari Shiva even after death, achieving this bead bestows a full life span.
भैरवो नववक्त्रश्च कपिलश्च मुनिः स्मृतः |
दुर्गा वा तदाधिष्ठात्री नवरूपा माहेश्वरी || 74 ||
9 Mukhi rudraksha is believed to be the form of Bhairav and Kapilamuni. Its ruling deity is goddess durga and their nine forms.
तं धारयेद्वमहास्ते रुद्राक्षं भक्तितत्परः |
सर्वेश्वरो भवेनुनं मम तुल्यो न संशयः || 75 ||
Lord Shiva said that 9 mukhi rudraksha is worn on the left hand and wearing it makes the person powerful and matches level him.
दशवक्त्रो महेशानि स्वयं देवो जनार्दनः |
धारणात्स्य देवेषि सर्वकामनवाप्नुयात् || 76 ||
In this shloka, Lord Shiva is saying that Hey Maheshwari, the 10 mukhi rudraksha is blessed by Janardan himself, which removes the hurdles and fixes all your work with his blessings.
एकादशमुखो यस्तु रुद्राक्षः परमेश्वरि |
सा रुद्रो धारणात्स्य सर्वत्र विजयि भवेत् || 77 ||
Hey Parameshwari, the eleven-face bead is the form of Rudra, when a man wears it, it gains the qualities of rudraksha and victory.
द्वादशस्यं तु रुद्राक्षं धारयेत्केशादेशके |
आदित्यश्चैव ते सर्वे द्वादशैव स्थितस्तथा || 78 ||
The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha correspond to the twelve forms of the Sun God Surya, or dwadasa-aditya. Wearing it on the hair is recommended.
त्रयोदशमुखो विश्वेदेवस्तद्धारणान्नराः |
सर्वकामनवाप्नोति सौभाग्यं मंगलं लभेत् || 79 ||
13 mukhi rudraksha is the form of Vishvedeva. A person who wear this get the blessing of good fortune, wealth and good luck.
चतुर्दशामुखो यो हि रुद्राक्षः परमः शिवः |
धारयेनमुर्घिनं तं भक्त्या सर्वपापं प्रणस्यति || 80 ||
14 Mukhi rudraksha is the form of Lord Shiva and it should be worn on the head with respectfully which rinse off the sins.
इति रुद्राक्षभेदा हि प्रोक्त वै मुखभेदतः |
तत्तनमन्त्रणांचृणु प्रीत्य क्रमा अच्छैलेश्वर आत्मजे || 81 ||
Hi, Parvati, Giriraj’s daughter. I have shared the fourteen Rudraksha’s secrets.
भक्तिश्रद्धा युताश्चैव सर्वकामार्थसिद्धये |
रुद्राक्षंधारायणमन्त्रयर्देवानालस्य वर्जितः || 82 ||
One-to fourteen-faced Rudrakshas should be dressed with the aforementioned mantras with devotion, leaving behind sleep and laziness, in order to grant wishes and bring wealth.
विना मंत्रेणा यो धत्ते रुद्राक्षं भुवि मानवः |
स याति नरकं घोरं यावदिन्द्रश्चतुर्दश || 83 ||
Any person who wears it without the mantra will go to hell for 14 tenures of Indra or One Kalpa
रुद्राक्षमालिनं दृष्ट्वा भूतप्रेतपिशाचकः |
डाकिनी शाकिनी चैव ये चान्ये ध्रोहाकारक || 84 ||
Negative Entities or negative energies such as ghosts, and evil spirits are afraid of the person wearing this bead.
कृतिमंचैव यत्किचिदाभिचारादिकंच यत् |
तत्सर्वं दुरतो याति दृष्ट्वा शंकितविग्रहम् || 85 ||
Similarly, negative thoughts and and bad deed also be afraid.
रुद्राक्षमलिनं दृष्ट्वा शिवो विष्णु: प्रसीदति |
देवी गणपतिः सूर्यः सुरश्चन्येपि पार्वती || 86 ||
Oh, Parvati, Lords Shiva, Vishnu, Devi, Ganesh, Surya, and other gods are requested to see the person who wears rudraksha.
एवं ज्ञात्वा तु महात्म्यं रुद्राक्षस्य माहेश्वरी |
सम्यग्धार्यः समन्त्रश्च भक्त्या धर्मविवृद्धये || 87 ||
Oh Maheshwari, one should know the importance of Rudraksha, It should be worn with ritually with devotion and mantras for the religion.
इत्युक्तं गिरिजाग्रे हि शिवेन परमात्मा |
भस्मरुद्राक्षमहात्म्यं भुक्तिमुक्तिफलप्रदम् || 88 ||
This is how Lord Shiva Explained the importance of Rudraksha and Bhasma to Parvati.
शिवस्यतिप्रियौ ज्ञेयौ भस्मरुद्राक्षधारिणौ |
तद्धामप्रभाववद्धि भुक्तिमुक्तिर्न संशय || 89 ||
It is known that a person who wears it and bhasma is very dear to Lord Shiva.
भस्मरुद्राक्षधारी यः शिवभक्तः स उच्यते |
पंचाक्षरं जपासक्तः परिपूर्णश्च सन्मुखे || 90 ||
Wearing this (holy beads) and Bhasma (holy ash) is a means of achieving MOKSHA.
Mantras for Each Mukhi Rudraksha Bead:
1 Mukhi- Om hrim namah
2 Mukhi- Om namah
3 Mukhi Om klim namah
4 Mukhi- Om hrim namah
5 Mukhi- Om hrim namah
6 Mukhi Om hrim hum namah
7 Mukhi- Om hum namah
8 Mukhi- Om hum namah
9 Mukhi- Om hrim hum namah
10 Mukhi- Om hrim namah
11 Mukhi- Om hrim hum namah
12 Mukhi- Om kraum kshaum raum namah
13 Mukhi- Om hrim namah
14 Mukhi- Om namah
Difference Between Rudraksha and Bhadraksha:
Bhadraksha looks the same as Rudraksha, but it is lightweight, flat, and has no holes. Bhadraksha is associated with the Bhadra kali and is used for protection against negative energies. Only an expert can find out it doesn’t have any side effects.

How to test if your rudraksha is real:
There are many ways to test Rudraksha like testing it by putting it in a glass of water or keeping it between copper coins. But the most worth testing is lab testing. Do take a lab certificate along with your Rudraksha. Make sure to get the certificate of it and that too from a good lab so that you can trust it and it is worth your money. Always buy a certified rudraksha from a reputed seller.
Precautions that need to be taken care of before or while wearing a rudraksha:
- Don’t wear a used or broken bead, that will not be effective and beneficial
- Always cleanse and energize it with mantra before wearing the bead
- Always remove it while attending a funeral, meeting a newborn baby, and during intercourse.
- Don’t let anyone touch or wear your bead, mala, pendant or bracelet
- After wearing it avoid nonveg, alcohol, gambling, or bad deeds
- If your bead has cracks or breaks then change it as soon as possible
- If you remove it for any reason then keep it safe in a clean place and after taking a bath wear it with some rituals.